Psychiatry Redefined
This resource is aimed at psychiatrists and functional medicine practitioners to hone their knowledge in the field of nutritional medicine in order to provide a fully integrated approach to supporting patients.
Although this website is catering for practitioners, it’s a great resource with many articles for disorders ranging from ADHD to eating disorders to suicidal thoughts. They also have free monthly webinars, as well as a webinar library and articles library where you can dip into an array of disorders.
“ We want to do everything we can to minimise this assault on their self-esteem ”
Breakthrough treatments to restore focus, minimise hyperactivity & eliminate drug side effects
Interview with leading child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr. James Greenblatt to find out about the root causes of ADHD, how to test for them, and how to improve ADHD symptoms and drug side effects with safe, effective and proven nutritional and lifestyle interventions.
An eating disorder that can inflict serious health problems and even death, Anorexia Nervosa strikes adolescents, women, and men from any walk of life. Conventional strategies for treating this debilitating disease, such as anti-depressant medications, are narrowly focused and rarely provide long-term benefits. As mainstream medicine continues to ignore the obvious relationship between nutrition and mental health, this book delivers life-saving information. Emerging research shows that because Anorexia is a complex disease rooted in the mind, and the brain is highly sensitive to the nutrition it receives, the correction of nutrient deficits is the key to successful and lasting recovery from Anorexia. Written by leading integrative psychiatrist and eating disorder expert Dr. James M. Greenblatt, Integrative Medicine for Anorexia is founded on solid research evidence that nutritional deficiencies play significant roles in the development and treatment of Anorexia. This book provides a comprehensive, integrative medical plan for nourishing the brain.
Restore attention, minimise hyperactivity, and help eliminate drug side effects
“ In the United States, 11% of children aged 4-17 (almost 7 million children) have been diagnosed with ADHD. Most of the diagnosed—about 70%—are never treated. ADHD is not a discipline problem. It is a medical condition that presents as a set of symptoms with a range of possible underlying causes unique to each child. It is a genetically-caused neurological disorder that can be controlled with brain-assisting drugs. But to really heal, your ADHD child needs individualized treatment to uncover and correct a unique pattern of deficiencies and excesses that affect the brain and trigger symptoms.”
“ A disease that has long plagued humankind, depression is debilitating. Despite the frequency with which they are prescribed, drugs alone don’t always provide relief, and often have side effects that limit effectiveness. There’s new hope for treatment, as emerging evidence suggests depression can be triggered by biochemical imbalances and nutritional deficiencies. In the newly updated edition of Integrative Medicine for Depression, mental health expert Dr. James M. Greenblatt emphasizes the treatment of depression using an integrative regimen that first seeks to understand the whole person. This book offers fresh new possibilities for those who suffer from depression. Incorporating decades of research and treatment in this groundbreaking work.”